Saturday, December 12, 2009


Looking at the past, we can recall memories of our lives. Fun memories that makes us laugh, sad memories that makes us frown, stupid memories that makes us smile, and unforgettable mistakes that makes us realize we have to change for the better.

But change is not an overnight general overhaul, it means slow and gradual modifications of what we are and transform it into what we want to be, for the better or for the worse. Changing for the worse is easy to achieve while changing for the better is a very tough road to walk. Believe me, stumbles and failures will greet you along the way, but wallow not because if you pursue your goals you will get to where you want to be.

Changing a bad habit is very hard, for me I would be lying if I say that sex does'nt give me the gist anymore, it still do and maybe it will be for a few months or so. But slowly does it says the saying, slowly but surely. There is no need to rush, no need to run and no need to account for the time. Dont hasten to change or you will just end up bitter and foul.

Changes wont come for you, you should be the one who plans for it. It will take decades, if not a long time for change to occur. But changes will be changes that is the only constant thing on earth. Keep your eyes open for good oppurtunities that will help you uplift and catalyze your projects for change, I believe that in difficult times, chances always favor the prepared mind and the equipped of heart.

Change need not be extravagant, need not be expensive and need not be gallant. Remember that the best changes are those changes that will make you happy and this happiness will radiate to the people around you. Always change for the better, and through this we all can start living a life of positive changes.

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